What is a good age to start voice lessons?

Hello singing friends! 

What is a good age to start formal voice lessons you ask?

If you ask ten different voice teachers, you'll probably get ten different answers. Here's my take on it!

First, it's important to note that not…

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Fall/Winter Semester Recap - 2023/2024


Fall/Winter 2024 has been an exciting time here at Amanda Beagle Vocal Studio. Here are some highlights!

We were delighted to entertain at the Warren Hometown Holidays festival on Courthouse Square in Downtown Warren. Students performed holiday favorites and participated…

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Shifting Your Mindset for Singing Success

Have you ever performed with high stakes with an intention not to lose? Not to mess up? Not to Fail?

  • You compete in a competition and compete not to lose.
  • You go for the high note and hope not to…
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The Vocal Rest Voice Lesson

Cold and Flu season will be here before we know it and allergy season is affecting many of us, not to mention activities that can leave us with vocal fatigue. I want to talk to you about Vocal Rest Voice

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Sing what you love, love what you sing!

Teacher: What kind of song would you like to sing next? 

Student: I don't know, what ever you think. 

Teacher: Well what kind of music do you like to listen to? 

Student: I dunno. A little bit of everything? 


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10 Tips for Encouraging Your Young Singer

We are born raising our voices - loud and proud. Here are 10 helpful tips to foster confidence and bravery in your young singer. 

Seek out a community of support for your child’s talents. It’s my hope that every child…

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AB Studio: Spring Recap!

May is always the month where everything comes to a head. Am I right?! The school year is winding down, graduation is upon us and Summer plans are being made! But first, let's talk about the amazing work happening right…

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